Location: Room 306, Glorious Sun Building, Yan'an Road Campus" /> j9九游会(中国)官方网站-登录入口首页
Academic Lectures

Topic: Information Acquisition, Sharing Incentives, and Channel Selection

Speaker: Li Guo

Location: Room 306, Glorious Sun Building, Yan'an Road Campus

Time: 2020-12-21 10:00:00

Brief introduction of the speaker: Li Guo, Professor of School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, PhD supervisor and Head of Department of Technical Economics and Strategic Management, has long been engaged in teaching and research work in the fields of green supply chain and logistics management, interdisciplinary marketing and operations, big data-driven decision management, etc. He is the executive director of the Intelligent Decision and Game Theory Branch of the Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics, the director of the Industrial Engineering Branch, a member of the Professional Committee of Economy and Management, Chinese Association of Automation, the director of the China Society of Logistics, an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Senior Editor of Information Technology & People (SSCI, ABS-3), an internationally recognized journal, an editorial board member of UTD24/FT50 top journal Production and Operations Management, a special correspondence expert of Frontier of Engineering Management, a journal of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the director of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS) journal, and a guest editor of internationally recognized journals of TRE, ANOR, IJPR and IJLRA. He has long been a reviewer for more than 30 SCI/SSCI journals such as POM, DSJ, IISE Transactions, EJOR, etc. He has published more than 60 papers as first or corresponding author in top/important journals in his area of expertise including JOM (UTD24/FT50), DSJ, NRL, EJOR, IEEE TEM, IEEE TII, Chinese Journal of Management Science and Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, etc. He received the 2018 (the first) Best Paper Award from the Journal of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics and the First Prize of Excellent Paper Award in the 19th China Logistics Academic Annual Conference, etc.

Report Overview: In this talk, we investigate a manufacturer’s information acquisition and subsidization strategies in a supply chain featuring two competing retailers who sell substitutable products and have private demand information. The manufacturer can decide whether to acquire demand information at a cost and further decide whether to offer subsidies simultaneously to retailers to induce their sharing of private demand information. Furthermore, we examine an online retailer’s incentive for demand information sharing with an upstream supplier who has already built a retail channel but possesses an incentive to establish a commission channel. We derive some interesting managerial insights and implications for both academia and practice.